Friday, October 19, 2007

Trip to Niagara Falls

Last weekend we went to thousand islands and niagara falls.
Lots of fun and adventure from the starting of the trip itself. We allmost missed the bus, as we were totally lost in boston. We had reach the starting point at 6:45, and we were allmost there at 6:15. But since we had to park our car, a guy told us that you can park at south station and he showed the way, but I guess we misunderstood the way, we reached somewhere else, and then onwards we were just going here and there, but our destination. We went to a tunnel, after paying $3 (Rs120), from there we reached to north of boston again. It was allready 6:50. Now time was slipping from our hands. Bus had to start at 7. I decided to somehow reach the I93 highway again, from there we knew the way. Somehow we reached to beach road, where we found parking lot. I parked my car, in a smal passage, as a inch left or right, and car will get good look. When I parked, I found that, I cant open the door. Somehow I tried to come out from wondow. Then I pushed the button to close the window, and rapidely got my hand out of it. It was 7:15, and the guide was waiting for us eagerly.
So, बाल बाल बच gaye.
More about the trip later sometime।
Here are the pix

My trip to Mount Washington

Well, fall has started here, so it's time to go out somewhere in new hampshire. Now we heard that, there is a white mountain seriese, which is good to visit in NH. Then our coleague told that there is mount washington there which has nice view but the weather there is unstable. He told you can drive till up, or you can take the train.
But I and my friend Bharat decided to go to the top by trakking. We started early at around 6-7. But since we didn't know the rout, reached on the base at around 1;15. Now the lady at informatin centre told us that, we won't be able to make it, as it's 8 hour round trip. But we started with full josh, and reached till allmost top, at 3:15. Since I had no experiance of driving at night, I wanted to go down early, so we can finish our half journey to home before dark. We spent around 15 minutes at that local maxima, and started to came back.
The overall trip was a great fun. Very nice weather, nice landscapes in journey. It was tiring also. I realized that my stemina has decreased so much that, I was fully tired in the middle itself.

Here are the snaps.

Next day when I checked my weight, I had lost 3 KG, wow I was very happy, but one day later I checked and saw 1kg came back.

Me in U.S.

I am in USA for about a month. I came here at 20th sept.
We landed at Boston. Well I was exited about this trip. First few things I noticed in USA which are different than India:
  • Cars, cars and cars: It looks like there is no human here. Afteer coming out of airport. I hardly saw people. We went to our appartment nobody was there. We went to office nobody is there in building. On the roads nobody is there but cars.
  • Everybody does all his work: Since there is lack of man power (looks like), everybody does all his work. When I told people here that, in India there is a maid for cleaning my room and washing the cloths, another for cooking and there are couple of security guards in the apartment, for them it was like a great luxuary. Here you have to clean your house by yourself, cook yourself, wash cloths yourself (well everyone has washing machine). So after living few days here, it looks like you are like King in India. In India, in petrol pump there would be a guy to fill the tank, one to take money from you may be one for putting oil on you scooter another one for air. Here you have to do all by yourself.
  • Automation: Most of the things are automatic here, so you don't need human assistance. No wonder India is having more and more outsoeced projects.
  • There is no lack of space: In Bangalore, there is high fight for space. You need to park your car in small corner of the building. All the houses are sticked to each other. Here atleast in andover which is a suburbe of Boston, there is lot of space. In our office, the parking space is double than total work space. In bangalore we have 2 floors of parking and 9 floors of work in single area. Here lot of space for parking, only 3 floors for office, and lots of greenery.
And the list doesn't stop here. Overall it looks completely different to be here.