Friday, September 23, 2005

google IS EVIL

**** THE PROOF THAT google IS EVIL ****

71 79 79 71 76 69 - as ASCII values
8 7 7 8 4 6 - digits added
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/ \_____/
8 7 7 8 1 - digits added

Thus, "google" is 87781.

Divide the number by 041 - this is the smallest harmonic divisor number, backwards. It gives 2141.

Turn the number backwards, and add 1939 - the year WW II started. The number is now 3351.

Multiply it by 3, the symbol of fulfillment - the number is now 10053.

Add 1351 to it - this is the year Richard Roose was conveniently boiled to death for trying to poison an archbishop, written backwards - you will get 11404.

Subtract 9691 from the number - this is the year of Woodstock, written backwards. It gives 1713.

Write 1790 backwards. Translate it to octal - this will give you 1713. Thus, 1713 stands for 1790, the year US patent system was established (eevil).

e v i l f i n d e r is a utility which tells your that wheather something is evil or not.

I tried monu too:

**** THE PROOF THAT monu IS EVIL ****

13 15 14 21 - as numbers
4 6 5 3 - digits added
\_/ \_/ \_/ \_/
4 6 5 3 - digits added

Thus, "monu" is 4653.

Multiply it by 3, the symbol of fulfillment - the number is now 13959.

Divide by 11, the symbol of judgment and disorder - the result is 1269.

Turn the number backwards, subtract 600 - the symbol of war. The number is now 9021.

Add 23, the symbol of death - the result is 9044.

Subtract 7591 from the number - this is the year DEC was founded, written backwards. It gives 1453.

This, when read backwards, gives 3541. This is 1889 in octal, the year Adolf Hitler was born...

Evil, QED.

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